Director's Note
'Twelfth Night' is one of my favorite plays due to its ability to make us laugh and think in equal measure.
It contains some of Shakespeare’s most beautiful language and finds a delicate balance between comedy and pathos. The play explores gender in a very progressive way that I think a modern audience will find exhilarating and surprisingly contemporary. Each character is drawn to perfection from the bold and brilliant Viola to the beautiful and heartsick Olivia to the melancholy Orsino to the sardonic Feste to the prudish Malvolio to the boisterous Sir Toby to the wily Maria to the foppish Sir Andrew. We witness Olivia’s courtship of Cesario (who she does not know is Viola in male disguise). We then watch Viola fall in love with Orsino – also while in male disguise and feel each moment of revelation as we fall in love right along with characters. We laugh at the prim Malvolio until his punishment outweighs his sin of pride and leaves us to consider the limits of revenge. While most of the characters end happily, there is an ambiguity to some that adds to a mature consideration of how life can be bittersweet. Shakespeare’s genius is on full display here.
In terms of our specific production, I am beyond excited to assume the role of director (one that I am very comfortable with) as well as work with some of the area’s most talented actors. And then, of course, there is the magic of our “wild” space - which can only be fully appreciated if you come and experience the show under the majestic stars of the Colorado night sky!
-Steve Wilson
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Wanna know more about 'Twelfth Night'?
Shakespeare can be challenging, let's break it down
In and around the palace of Duke Orsino and the estate of Countess Olivia in Ilyria [on the coast, near modern day Croatia/ Albania].
Previous to the action of the play, much has occurred.
In Illyria, the father and brother of the
Countess Olivia have both recently died. Olivia is distraught and vows to grieve for them for seven years during which time she will not admit any suitors. The Duke of Illyria, Orsino, is in love with Olivia and is himself distraught because Olivia will not see him. He pines for love, she pines for grief. Also, Olivia’s uncle, Sir Toby Belch, in order to have enough money for this expensive partying, has convinced his friend Sir Andrew Aguecheek to seek the love
of Olivia. This will keep Sir Andrew in the household so that Toby can use his money.
Also, Maria, the gentlewoman of Olivia has long been in love with Toby, but his drinking and Maria’s status as a servant, have kept them apart. Another member of Olivia’s household, the prudish Malvolio (steward to Olivia) highly disapproves of Toby’s partying ways.
Meanwhile, on a ship bound for Messaline, Viola and Sebastian, a pair of twins devoted to each other since their father’s death entertain the passengers. But the ship is caught in a horrible storm. As the ship sinks, Viola and Sebastian are separated. Sebastian washes ashore and is saved by a gentleman named Antonio who has previously committed a crime against Orsino and is sought by his officers. The Captain saves Viola and they too are
washed ashore. Neither twin knows that the other is saved. Both pine for the loss of the
Alone in a strange land, each tries to make a new life.
The Household of Duke Orsino:
DUKE ORSINO, Duke of Illyria, in love with the Countess Olivia
VALENTINE, a lord attending the Duke
The Household of Countess Olivia:
COUNTESS OLIVIA, grieving for the recent death of both her father and brother; later in love with Cesario
SIR TOBY BELCH, uncle to Olivia, a drinker who sponges off his wealthy, but foolish,friend, Sir Andrew
SIR ANDREW AGUECHEEK, a foolish, but wealthy, gentleman, in residence to wooOlivia, friend to Sir Toby
MARIA, gentlewoman to Olivia, in love with Sir Toby
MALVOLIO, steward (head butler) to Olivia, a prudish fellow who is “sick of self love”
FESTE, the household fool (jester), who has been absent recentlyThe Survivors and Rescuers of the Shipwreck:
VIOLA, twin sister to Sebastian; later disguised as
CESARIO, a gentleman attending
Duke Orsino; still later in love with Orsino
SEBASTIAN, twin brother to Viola, later in love with Olivia
ANTONIO, a gentleman who saves Sebastian from the shipwreck
CAPTAIN, ship’s captain who saves Viola from the shipwreck
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